Just wanted to throw it out there that while the original drop rates for the new Caves items was ridiculous (or so I heard), it is extremely unfair of the Devs to change it so drastically for those of us who were unable to log in yesterday. Apparently, almost everyone who played the caves yesterday got many of the new items with little effort, while myself (and others) must play for hours, if not days to get get these new items after the change today. I understand a change was necessary because I doubt the Devs wanted everyone and their dog running around with these "elite pinks", but the fact still remains that the Devs put the rates in their knowing that that would probably happen, and if they didn't, their should he some sort of recall to make it fairer for those of us who weren't able to take advantage of the new areas before the change Any input Devs or more knowledgable player than me may have is welcome.