Hi, judging by the sudden lack of interest, I'm sorry I may have trolled your thread a bit and might be about to do it one last time.

But while trying to think of some more maps scenario, I realized that in order to be epic, the battle you talked about required:

1/ Having players use their brains and skills (should they be potted lvl50s with the best equipment or regular occasional lvl45-49 players geared with what they found on the way)
2/ rendering elixirs somehow useless to defeat a boss / clear a map (no boss should require'em right?)
3/ keeping it fun, challenging, interesting (let's remake, not only because we got whites but because that was epic, I want legendary now)
4/ having the fun and challenge not wear off too much, two months after the map is released.
5/ having players giving hints or helping each other because nobody is at ease in there and there isn't one clear and always successful way of doing it so you wouldn't have 4 players bashing/booting this particular player that died when he wasn't supposed to, "ruining all his team efforts and time".
6/ oh and... end up having only very few thread in the feedback section named "WTF ?", "insanity!", "bye pl" or "yawn"...

Well devs surely have been through this.... a lot

-> CTF could fit the description a bit, but it's a separate game.
Would we join a group and play capture-the-key against k'sarr and a team of minions to be able unlock next level or the room maybe holding a decent loot?
-> Gurgox was a good try at addressing all the points the above points wouldn't you say? Fun, requiring coordination and discipline. I agree that something could happen from time to time once he reach xx% health (oh now he learned the beckon skill... that's bad news) just to break linearity. idk
-> Vyxnaar spawn randomly throughout the map but should he drop nothing valuable, would... anybody bother?
-> If you consider the glitch of the (initially mean) keeper a 'strategy' why did they changed it so mages could now 'tank' him?

Sure it once took a team of lvl45-49 I was helping (with my non rifted tank) half an hour or so to kill. With at least 50 deaths, 10 quitting/joining along the way, but that was 'challenging'...
I was quite convinced by then that if somebody died once in the process, the loot would be lame, so I'll have to agree with smokester that helping/farming the keeper wasn't on my list of 'fun things to do in pl when you're bored'.
Keeper staff was traded at 800k+ and we were all complaining about how much gold / pots we lost in AO3... (did we cared that much about our killed stats when VL got out? I'm not sure.)

Now I can see the marketing team joining the "january dev's new maps brainstorming pizza meeting, keep out" saying
"guys, this is great, let's put a pin on those ideas for version 2.5 ok? remember that Agile-moto of yours : kiss / keep it st#pid simple?
This shouldn't be news for you : players don't want to play riddles, puzzles or die too much time. They either want to kill stuff easily, lotsa Gold, Loots or points to brag about. And when they do have all of those, yes they might complain, and new players will start to hate them for having it all and complaining, remember?
These (hopefully) imaginary marketing guys still have some valid points I'm afraid.

Addressing our needs/expectations sure must be challenging, that's our game now somehow and we're globally hard to please

It sure would be great if the community could to present devs a map scenario that been thought thoroughly... that'll take some coordination and thinking...
If you feel like throwing exciting/epic battle ideas like king's orientation / shield idea to survive blasts maybe we would come up w something that'll hold every scenario (pots/beginners/farmers)

I'll start by scanning previous suggestion threads, sure are lots of ideas out there to dust out. That should keep me busy enough to quit spamming your thread for a month or two...
(Sorry KR, all I meant to say with my two posts was:
"I'd really like that too! let's see if 1.7 have something for us" and then "omg that's not easy as I thought".
Guess i got carried away.) I'm out, take care.