Hello Arlorians ...

This time I have come here to talk about a number of issues that have caused considerable
controversy between users of this forum, Remember that it is in my opinion and if any suggestion is taken very controversially then I would be grateful if you can give an answer or comment logical and not take things too
personal, and like everything personal , many will love and not to others, so we're going to do this.

As we all already know the event will begin shortly and of course the entire forum is excited
about this great event, even STS released a test for users of Android and give their
prospects of the event. What But why people are upset by this ? It is why many such things
have already been used before, for example :

  • Same Vanities than last years ( Ice Queen, Green Santa, Etc. )

  • Same Pets for insane Tokens Price, And because its price is pretty high, but get 900 by an egg of Breezaga is too much.

  • The new vanities that came out are quite undesirable and less by this high price ( 985
    Tokens ), already did not ask for a return of the Arlors, but I am totally against these new
    vanities that do not meet our expectations for an event of this magnitude; we expect
    something more Christmas , If you already know that the event is called "Winter" but is also
    christmas guys.

  • The Granted tokens are very low to any boss and the points required to raise tier are very
    high, taking into account that the boss give a tiny amount of points also.

  • Syrillax's eye: There is many controversy with regard to this gem since it does not grant sufficient status to an object and the usable only thing is the critic, for the rest it is "Insufficient enough", Even in The Hooks, which gives the gem is not sufficient, besides that the ingredients for it forms an alone gem they are extreme: 1 Skyrillax's Eye (I have never seen to fall none), 25 Planar Esencias (It leaves the Twinks below), 10 Scaled Dragón (Pretty Enough), and 1 Orb of Dragoon (Costs 10 Platinum, doing to this gem another step to P2W), is a gem with little value and a high degree of budget.

  • The Bosses are perfect, and his work is incredibly well developed, in addition to that your
    difficulty is pretty good, just ask them to escalate the level of properly each boss for each
    level and so we can all fully enjoy at any level of this great work.

Boys remember that this is an event even in preparation and many things can change spontaneously, I am very sure that the creators will do an excellent work even with these last updates, it is necessary to have confidence in them and insurance they were not trumping us, for that, there has been an event where they find us disappointed? Personally I have enjoyed each and every of the events, From the Goblin up to Halloween (Boys I if I played in the event Tarlok so I know how It was), of equal way that this time not will be different and there will be incredible things for which playing.

Note to Dev's : Remember A Happy Cow grand more Milk than 5 Angry Cows ...