Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
V. Rules:
- No Arcane Rings
- Pet Allowed: Malison*
- Gear Allowed: Mythic Helm, Mythic Armor, Planar Pendant, Elo Bow/Frost Bow/Ghoulish Blades of Force, Mythic Ring
- Please complete registration properly according to sample registration section.
- No Trash Talking
- No Spawning
- No Abusing Spawn Bubbles
- First to 20 Wins!
- No Vanities Permitted
- No Camera Unlocked will be allowed!
- Bow stuns will not be allowed
Bow stuns not allowed? Wth, that's a part of PvPing, but of course I know it will be a completely luck based tourney, but really? No bow stuns? What happened to the epic gear? The pet restriction does pretty much nothing without the gear restriction.