Feel free to flame me.

Twinking in PL used to be a 15-20 of us, Who messed around in towns, and used 10000s of respecs to trim off an int here, and add a dex there.

We all had sombereos and darkbolts.. Sniper autos, and those cool 14 robes/leathers.

Now its everybody who feels the need to adjust what was already fine, there are now 3,478,321 Twinks, (Mostly 20) And 10 or so 25s (who can smd)

Nobody ever talks to each other, instead they go to forest fight, Kill each other, And yell "**** you you little whippersnnaping jabberwockey!!!111!!!!11!!1" Every 20-27.38 seconds. And thats all ive seen....

Now, heres where you flame me or tell me how im wrong. Cause you people who made your twinks last month have no idea wtf your talking about..

Disclaimer: I cannot be held responsible for any feelings hurt because you decided to flame me. Flaming me has been known to result in (but is not limited to) Hysteria, Crying, Self mutilation, Memory loss, heart disease, Hiv, Sadness, Depression, And loss of appetite.