Quote Originally Posted by ronell10 View Post
maybe, just maybe mages are not good at 1on1 pvp? just a thought...

maybe mages are good with group pvp due to their aoe skills and curse? hmm...

looking at mages skills, i just hope that the shield skills will be active with no duration, it will just wear off when your mana turns zero... just like with other mages in some RPG games where they use a mana shield... just day dreaming lol
The Sorc class as the description in one of the threads in here, if I'm not mistaken, they have crazy DPS and really low DEF. So it only means that the Sorc class is a support class. Whether it be PVP or PVE. There are a lot of Sorcs that I was able o party in the tombs, WT 4, who are like a couple of chickens with their head cutoff, running around til the mobs get them.

I'm not saying that I'm a pro but hey there are a lot of things that can be done as a sorc, making a sorc a really important class in a party. I was playing earlier, got really intimidated by the high level players. I was LVL 31 or LVL 32 I think..

I was invited in a group by the high level players, some were as good as F*** and some was just really bad.. so bad that I wish they just gave me their equipment. LoL

I tried experimenting on how I can last long in the party without getting whacked in the first 5 seconds. I dismissed my pet so no attacks will be done except by me, when I want to and how I want to. I tried what everyone did. Ran around, put up the shield and hoped that the heal's cool down will be faster than normal. Sad to say it din't work.

So I tried staying at the back of the party, hoping that I wont get kicked and started spamming Clocks and Fireballs, of course Heal. Worked a bit. I was able to replenish my party's manna and some of the health.

All I am saying is that Basically I was the party's pet. LoL like your regular pet in your stable. The only difference is that as the party's pet I can talk to them. haha

Anyway, just a tip on how a Sorc can best be useful in a party. I was surprised that there were a couple of parties I was able to join who were LVL cap and was able to run a few more times after.