Quote Originally Posted by GoodSyntax View Post
Guys, keep in mind that this is ALPHA TESTING, not a "can you hang with the Professionals" competition.

The purpose of early alpha testing is to evaluate game mechanics, troubleshoot core gaming issues, provide feedback on gameplay, latency, playability, leveling, enjoyment, etc.

This is not a contest to just to see who is top dog in a pre-release Moba.

As such, players should be selected based on how they can evaluate the metrics and mechanics of the game. This does not exclude AL's top PvP-ers per-se, but stay focused on the purpose of what an alpha test is supposed to be about...
pretty much why I didn't put much emphasis on AL PvP level of pro in my criterias. We're testing and having fun. there must a ranking aswell. If we're choosing Titans, then let's try to find out who is titan from the beginning!

Justg, I am aiming for Titan :3