Quote Originally Posted by Kingofhurtz View Post
Just wanted to say congratulations to all and I also have a recommendation. The devs listened to my first one (Daniel) so why not this? :P Pharcyde! Providing the community with a wealth of knowledge, I have to say, there aren't many people who I know who know more about the market than Pharcyde. Amazing with business and really helped me to prosper. Not to mention his skills with Adobe Photoshop!
Ahh thanks King . I gotta shoot the recommendation right back at ya.

Kingofhurtz is one of the friendliest Pocket Legends Players I have ever met. He is a true friend, anyone would be extremely lucky to be able to call him a friend. Every time I see Kingofhurtz, he is helping someone in the game. I wanted to recommend him because often the great in-game contributers go unnoticed since the acts not on the forum where people notice. He certainly has helped many players understand the game, just the other day, he took a large chunk out of his time to teach a player how to PvP.

Then my second recommendation is Mysticaldream, I know he has had is fair share of trouble with the rules in the game. He certainly has learned and changed from the experiences. Mystical is always helping players on the forum, he's the only person I know of who will greet every new player, answer every PL and non-PL related question and do other helpful acts in the community. Certainly, a lot more people would go without a warm welcome or a proper answer if it was not for him. Oh, not to mention, if you break a rule or post in the wrong section, mystical will be the first one to tell you about it , politely of course!