Quote Originally Posted by Remiem View Post
Hey everyone! Really appreciate the feedback. We'll be keeping an eye on what the community thinks as more people obtain the weapons and get to see them in action. While the procs aren't added to the stats, they can make a big difference in power. Definitely keep the feedback coming!
Quote Originally Posted by Jazzi View Post
So I tested the daggers extensively. Firstly about the skill damage: about 200 less than mythic bows and only 42 more than glinstone daggers (a weapon which is 300 k gold atm). So one might think: "Oh, ok fair enough the skill damage is crap, but hey we got this incredibly nice proc which reduces the armour by 35%". Alas the proc is very very rare and I got 1 per arena run on average (not per boss, per whole run), although I was spamming auto attack all the time.

So as a conclusion sts made fake arcane daggers and to be completely honest I am insulted here: We have an alleged arcane, which is inferior to the lower rarity weapons and a proc which never procs (albeit it sound great on "paper"). Does sts think that we are all that stupid? I am confused

In my honest opinion those daggers were not thought through at all, let alone tested

Dont wait until more people have them and sell them super cheap after getting disappointed in order to fix them. Fix then now pls
I personally find the daggers fun, BUT, they do need a bit of a dmg buff and the proc needs to be checked. In elite rooks nest daggers proc'd and stunned up to 9 mobs, three times on same mob. I have not seen much for procs when tested in elite ren gol (maybe four times out of three maps)... Something isn't quite right with the daggers.....like the ideas behind the weap, it just needs a bit more dmg, and fix the proc so the higher lvl elites trigger the weap to proc.

...back to testing...