Alright im lvling minding my own business in bandit boy hideout when i suddenly get disconnected.. I try to connect again but my password is now incorrect. I check my email and someone has clicked forgot password 20 times??? I then go on after changing my password and some of my items are gone. All my stuff is unequipped and i have no idea why when i was just leveling. I then changed the original email to my alt email and i hope this doesnt happen again. Someone knows my email and is basically pressing forgot password to disonnect Me from the server and someone got the password and logged into my account?? I now am missing some pinks from my set. I think everything would of been gone if i didnt log back in with the changed password. So please sts please explain to me what happened even though no one Knows my password to anything or even my Email on this game. I keep all my information private but i don't understand how someone got into my account please help and i suffered a big loss in items. I love this game but i dont want to end my career from being hacked. If there is any way to prevent this please help