Quote Originally Posted by DarrenPR View Post
So I just ran Elite Ren'Gol (solo, as I usually do) and it felt more difficult than it did before this week's update. The mobs are hitting harder, and possibly even have more health. I consider myself relatively well geared - I'm using Nekro and razor shield mastery with arcane and mythic gear, yet I'm still finding myself going from full health to 0 health in an instant from some auto attacks by the mobs. This didn't happen to me before the update. I know that a lot of players don't run maps by themselves, but it would be nice if the game stayed possible to play solo at end game. I don't want it easy by any means, but I see no reason for difficulty to be "padded" up like other maps have been in the past, especially without any new loot in the maps. Maybe it's just a way for STS to push the new set onto us and force us into getting rid of our old gear. Either way, I'm finding it very impractical (almost impossible) to effectively solo elite Ren'Gol like I did before. I just want the game to be playable at end game without needing a full party of maxed gear players.

EDIT: After trying out some other maps, after hearing that other people are having similar issues, I am CONVINCED that level 56 elite mobs have been given a damage boost. I tried out elite Shuyal, elite Tindirin and elite Ren'Gol and they all feel like they are doing more damage than before.

Also noticed normal ren'gol maps are doing more dmg too.