I currently play on a nexus 6p with a verizon 4g hotspot. My ping will be green and ill get these slight pauses/delays, the timer countdown in arena was off for me. Even timers in hauntlet when i door it would jump up like 2sec, showing the timer was off for the whole run on my screen. Its a high chance this happens in a run and its like always right b4 the run starts when iam not moving itll glitch and freeze while iam waiting for a start indicater (usually a nekro aa to start the run in sync). In timeds its very important to start when the rest of the team does but instead im seconds behind by the time i see the team start. I was running with another person experiencing these same issues. Doesnt seem to be ping spikes as ping stays green throughout. Never seen this in 3years of playing. Also my on screen buttons for nexus 6p are removed and only pop up at times and become in the way, i charge different skills at times because they're not in the same place as before. Ive heard of other people experiencing these screen resizing issues post client update aswell.
