Quote Originally Posted by Xanthia View Post
Why would changing the game for the better make you play it more? Basically you are saying that if they changed the game so they it could be more in-depth that it would require you to play more. You don't have to play it more than casual..it's all preference I am just saying this game is going to lose a LOT of interest if they do not change things...and very quickly, this game is far to easy and needs a lot more content added. I love what the DEV's have done so far, but they need to make huge changes to the system to produce more playability and more content.
Perhaps I did not explain myself clearly. It's not so much the time commitment -- although that's part of it -- it's the overall commitment to the game. If PL becomes more complex, it will require a greater commitment to play.

To take one of your suggestions as an example: Crafting. If the Devs implement a full-featured crafting system into the game, I'll have basically two choices. I'll either need to start crafting myself (adding more commitment to the game), or I'll need to crank up my farming and pay others to craft for me (adding more commitment to the game). Either way, my commitment to the game will probably have to increase. I don't want that. I don't want to worry about how to make my items, and I don't want to pay other people to make my items. I just want to kill a boss and get the item.

I strongly disagree with your predictions of doom and gloom for PL. Your thesis seems to be that the Devs need to add more of everything. My counterpoint to your thesis is that PL started as a fairly simple game, and it's become quite popular as such. To use an analogy, your "laundry list" of suggestions seems a bit like someone saying that Checkers is doomed because of its simplicity. "Unless each checker gets an upgrade path, customization, and the ability to craft new checkers ... everyone will quit playing!" Well, no. Checkers is a simple game, and that simplicity is part of its popularity. The rules are really simple. The strategies can get a little tricky, but nearly anyone can sit down with a set of checkers & a board to play a game. In a similar way, I believe that part of PL's popularity is its simplicity. People who normally shun MMOs (like me) can pick up their iDevices, download the PL app, and start slaying mobs in very little time. It's quick, easy, and fun.

While I respect the (obvious) level of work that Venom put into this list of suggestions, I don't want most of them to be implemented. I think that we really want different games. You want PL to be more complex. I want it to stay at (or near) the current level of simplicity. It will be interesting to see which way the Devs go....

As an aside, y'all have looked at the planned additions to the game:

When I look at that schedule, it looks pretty chock-full to me. My tolerance for complexity will already be a bit stretched. So let's see how the planned additions work before we start requesting more stuff.