Quote Originally Posted by Thelonearcher View Post
The reason I disagree with almost all of is because of the
memory it can take up. 3 characters is good enough you guys can't excpect any of this to happen suggestions are good but the devs work there butts off. Again remember it's not even done yet. There still making it! I think suggegtions would be better for near end summer when it's complete. For Now we must be patience and let the devs take care of the changes right now ( THERE STILL MAKEING IT,ITS NOT EVEN A FULL GAME YET!!)
I agree, all we can really do now is give general feedback on what is implemented. Like PvP, we can give ideas on how to balance it. I am sure the devs already have ideas for their major releases. This list of ideas makes this game a PC MMO, not a phone one.