Quote Originally Posted by Carapace View Post
From a different perspective what we're saying is that we've identified an issue with Aimed Shot that needed to be addressed for us to better make balance adjustments moving forward. There may be a noticeable difference for players and there might not depending on the use of this combination, if there IS a notable difference than we can re-add that damage in another area of Aim Shot, or the Rogue's overall kit in order to make up that difference and bring them where they should be. Currently this number was putting a lot of noise in the damage output of the Rogue in some cases and needed to be stabilized before we can make further adjustments.

Think of this as a precursor to potential Rogue improvements and enhancements, and not as a nerf because a nerf implies that we do not intend to bring it back up. Depending on the circumstances we will bring up the Rogue again where necessary. It certainly doesn't guarantee that we will, but it is a possibility
All existing balances were made while keeping in mind how hard rogue hits. Are you saying that developers are going to move the damage in another area of Aimed Shot so it hits just as hard as it did previously? We really cannot afford any more reductions in performance to this class. It has already been well established that rogues are no longer needed in PvP. Heck, we have warriors admitting it right here. I do realize the developer team has statistical data but they need to test what happens to a rogue against a warrior and mage team. Provided the warrior and mages know what they are doing, the rogues get simply annihilated. There's no strategy one can play to combat it.