Quote Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
Here's my points:

1. Entire reason rogue can survive even a little bit right now is due to Nekro shield. Developers need to test what happens to rogue when they do not have a Nekro shield. This is exactly what ends up happening in clash. You wait for the rogue's Nekro shield to go down, then you rush him or her and light him or her up.

2. Nerfs are not the answer. Buffs are. Nerfs make people want to quit because time invested in their character ends up being for nothing. This should have been realized when rogue armor was nerfed.

3. Increase rogue contribution to a team. It's abysmal, at best. That is what needs to be fixed and it needs to be done in a way that does not include nerfing the other classes.


1. 50% damage reduction on razor shield
2. Increasing potency of Aimed Shot
3. Heavy armor increase (must combine with another suggestion, or it alone won't work)

If anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to chime in.
this is also against class description on the part %50 DR heavy armor sounds like you wanna make warrior instead of rogue, if you ask anything ask temporary %50 damage increase because thats what rogues designed for, in any game you can see rogue is a single target damage nuke, what we dont have is our nuking ability it is outhealed by class combinations and stacks,