Hey all! So I just recently purchased and received my shipment of brand spankin new ear buds. Now I listen to metal, rock, some death/screamo, and I wanted a pair of ear buds that had a nice bass with a good sound quality. I did some research, and had always heard that Skullcandy was a reliable company, so I found these bad boys.


Skullcandy Titans! I've been listening with them all day, and so far they are amazing! The bass is great, and the sound quality is perfect. Also, they seem pretty durable, but only time can really tell.

Anyway, I was just wondering, what type of earphones do you use when listening to music? I know that some earphones are used for different types of music, so be sure to describe what type of music you listen to. A pic would also be pretty cool, as I know there are some pretty wild styles!