Quote Originally Posted by Thelonearcher View Post
Yet again I will say it's not done yet. It's not even a full game yet. So don't overthink yourself that randomly the developers will make alot of changes like some of these. The people always have the power but for now we don't. The most we can do is help the devs and tell the problems with the game (bugs) not problems with stats skills or items weapons etc, or just to benefite your character. The devs will obviously make tons of changes. But first there focus is on finishing the game. I guarentee you guys will have almost, no suggegtions when it's complete. Some of these ideas people don't like so people will quite if it was like that(suggegtions that benefit a small group of people not good) And think of the time it takes to put stuff in the game and time for apple to approve most of it. And how many devs are there 5? And how long has it been since it was released 2 months -_- some games take a year or more to make and it's already awesome. Wow and gw don't need approval by anyone so be pacient and let the game be finished. And then if there's stuff that's not added that may be a great idea, then is the best time to make big suggegtions like this.

Ok, This is a suggestion forum, I understand that we are suggesting something very large, however this is where this type of input is supposed to go. So, please don't lecture me on being patient and waiting on things, I have probably been playing MMO's longer then you have been alive.