I wish to find a more effective way to help new players get better gear.

First I tried just giving away pinks. I would go to FH or BC and say "free pinks", but the people who took them weren't the right levels, and might have just liquidated for gp.

Second, I farmed up FH for level 10 items and gave away greens, but believe it or not, "free green items level 10" does not get many takers.

Third (yesterday), I tried listing items for well below the other sellers in CS, but all that happened was that one wealthy player bought them all within about an hour and relisted them!

So my next attempt will be to list low level items for low cost in CS, but avoid undercutting any others. I am thinking like minimum pricing. And I hope nobody buys them all like yesterday.

Wouldn't it be cool if we had a place like a Goodwill version of CS where you can put things you would like to give away? Even so, there would still be the re-listers who would take them and sell them in CS...

Does anyone have an EFFECTIVE way to give things to new folks? I mean as opposed to just giving them liquidation items?