Quote Originally Posted by Azerothraven View Post
For those who actually want to improve their own merching skill read this forum thread HERE rather than relying on AB's word or watch the video HERE.

To Americabud,

I understand you are trying to help but your videos lacks in-depth explanation and seems like there is a lack of effort. The best thing you can do for someone is show or teach them how they can develop merching skills rather than telling them what they should or should not invest in because if you are ever wrong you could cost others millions. It should be their call what they want to invest gold in not yours so tell them why you think X or Y item is worth investing on based on your previous experince or knowledge and let them decide.

You still have my respect for the effort you put in, it is better than not doing anything at all! This thread is not intended to disrespect you but to show an alternative perspective on why people are going 'umm best ha?'. I think you just need a bit more planning on your videos and with a bit more though you could help soo many more people in the long run.
You edited your post and added more so I will reply to the rest.
You continue to talk about teaching people how to develop their merch skills. Please read the title of this thread and video. This is not a merch guide, nowhere does it say guide.

No disrespect but you are either very young or have a hard time understanding. It has been said many times in this thread. I am not claiming to be the best mercher. I am showing proof that this is the #1 AL merch group And no one has said "ummm best ha?" to that.

Please spend more time doing a little research before assuming my intentions. A quick search would show you that I never said I am the best and never said this is a guide. The only thing I said was this is the #1 AL merch group documented with proof, if you know of 1 better let me know.