Why are you being so aggressive? Just because I am new to forums and haven’t made many posts doesn’t mean I am incapable of having valid opinions and trying to help other members of the community. Its people like you are so so bad for this game. New players try to become helpful, functioning members of the community and you do everything in your power to shut them out and act like they don’t matter.

I see that you been on the forums for one month longer than me, what makes you feel like you are in any position of power over me? How does my avatar represent anything personal about me? “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” a quote I wholeheartedly agree with. If you do not know somebody, do not try to make things up about them from your imagination. I have not accused you or belittled you in any way shape or form. Please respect me as I have you, and do not publicly degrade me. Thankyou