Quote Originally Posted by Rusalio View Post
Oh brother, another thread thinking STS owes you something...... Sorry bro, sounds like trolling again on an already beaten down subject? It does NOT seam appropriate or necessary for STS to do anything of the sort. Albeit it would be nice, but definitely not owed.... perhaps a choice of words?

Move on mate! I think it would be sort of cool to see something as a gesture of STS in some way or form for the new game, but definitely not owed a lick. Between you and I, aka the veterans around here, you've been here long enough to indicate that its not that painfully expensive. If so and you have a lot of PL resources(pots, gold, sets armor...blah blah blah), hit me up and I may buy the dang game for you. I could always use those items to help new adults I run into and help. I sort of run out of resources after awhile.

NOW what would be really neat is if they could convert PL resources (pots,gold, special ingredients or whatever) into something usable in blackstar. aka, you go up to a seer or mage resource in PL and store something for the future. Blackstar being that future. The item could be picked up in the teleporter...etc(just an idea)
Well said Rusalio. STS by no means owes us anything towards a totally new game.I agree some kind of in game item or something would be cool but as you said NOT OWED.I love that they're making plat cross both games and letting us reserve our names! Thats good enough for me and i will gladly drop plat for B* . Thank You much STS your the best!
Now all we have to do is wait for release.