Quote Originally Posted by Riccits View Post
yep very smart move from sts every time they need a money boost just make a new vanity and ppl will buy... its the MUST HAVE what pushes ppl
But, put this idea in context. It's all about context. Everything you NEED to play is free. Everything you'd LIKE TO HAVE is plat. How cool is that?

You don't NEED to reserve your name. You just have to be attentive and DL the game the minute it's released, and you can probably get an even better name than the one you have. But fear, and nothing but fear, is driving people to beg to reserve their names. It's like a run on the banks. It's like Y2K. People believe fears before they look closer to find out what something really is. And when you can't look closer, you only have your fears, and then people act like their fears are real. But it's not. We'll all get our names. But if you really want to alleviate that fear, spend the plat. Otherwise, cope with fears (put on the big boy pants) like you do every day, and make a plan to snag your name on day 1.