Now that guilds are coming soon, i think we need mini games. These could be pkayed with teams or just by yourself and incude everything from boxing to puzzel games (teams would compete to flip blocks right to make a shape fastest, etc). I can think of many little games that couod be implemented. When doing this with you guild, you would compete against other guilds and the winning guild would get guild points. These points could be spent by the guild manager and be used to do things for the guild (guild vanity items, guildhall, etc) and there would be spots on highscores for players (with their guild name) that raised the most guild points. This would be a great incentive to joon guilds, and an option for activities. If you are not in a guild you could get points from games for other things. This would take away the grind of lvling and the bore of pvp and bring in new players. Although i would like at least half the games to be free, so should cost a one time plat fee (make ya devs some cash).

Just a suggestion. Please critique/share ideas and remember no flaming or trolling.

And pardon spelling errors.