Quote Originally Posted by FluffNStuff View Post
What happens if you are attacked? What do you lose, or is it just annoying?
It is really annoying. First, there is the whole getting jumped by someone twenty lvls higher than you chicken****...you get interrupted in what you are doing and spawn in a cemetery, and in the Olande quest instance, you can't even beging the quest until an NPC spawns every several minutes and you have to race to be the first few to click on him to get the quest. If you get PKed along the way doing the Olande quests, you have to go back and wait all over again.

In Vega Square on the Whispering Islands, it is the worst. Tons of 50+ lurking around, some just PvPing each other, but I got ganked (while a lvl 31-32) by multiple 38+, usually 50+. Many of the Vega quests MAKE you spend a lot of time directly in the middle of the PvP area...at least the swamp ones there are only a couple, and the area is pretty open so you can run like hell and have a chance. In Vega, there is no where to really run, and the edges of the PvP area are impossible to avoid.

Then when you die in Vega, you respawn in a cemetery....right in middle of the PvP zone, and tons of loser low-life kids sit there and spawnkill. I had to log off for a while, couldn't get out of the cemetery.