Quote Originally Posted by nevend View Post
Yea they succ

What I'm saying is when I open Cs - look at the mohawks in there. If I tap on gold mohawk it changes my face into a rat fox. If I tap on purple mohawk it changes face into blue fox, etc.

If you want the current paid face that you already have you have to settle with a mohawk of color that you don't like.

Still no choice, nor incentive to go with a 10 plat face swap, not to even speak about any incentive to farm that shet...

If you want to spice it up and get people interested in those, either :

A) Implement swapping eyes / facial features onto paid faces

B) Make a completely themed face. Brand new face, going along with the brand new facial features. Focus shifting away from features like : eyes/ears/hair ( since obviously we can't swap those freely in the current system ) towards more unique makeup kits, that bring something unique to the table. More like humania face, less like eyes, ears, hair if we can't switch those freely!

I hope it's more clear now

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Oh! I see. Yeah - we can't do that. Thanks tho :-)