Quote Originally Posted by GeTxKLuTcH View Post

Backstory: I join a lvl 20 pvp game, i know the person just because I had beaten on my 20 bird easily and I wanted to try out on my bear. There was also someone else in the room Tweenktastic or something along those lines. Anyways, a few people come and go and bearpire? He said he was conradin on the forums so idk. Therefore leaves me 3v1. Whenever one of them rushes me i start attacking him and then the other two join in on me, therefore I die very quickly. They then go on and start calling me a noob and a wanna be and all this stuff, not really conradin or tweentastic but VVrecked was the main problem. Like I said I have beaten this kid many times on my bird so I KNOW he's not that good because I really wiped the floor with this kid. Just saying this is what happens when Tweentastic rushes you and you kill him.

Edit: Just letting people know that the lvl 20 PvP community is pretty bad because of these people. I've played with someblackman and he's pretty cool. But other than him, pretty sad some of the things these kids say.
You can't even begin to guess how much I DESPISE VVrecked. He's BAD. Even his twin hates him.