
I believe it's a very interesting ideas that can help both rich and poor players alike.

For example, a rich player wants to farm an item but doesn't have the time, and the poor player has time to run, but doesn't like RNG.

The rich player gives a "Quest" to the poor players to run X map Y times under the Z time limit for a certain specified reward..

And all the items looted during these runs will be added directly to the Quest Giver's inventory, or they can be held somewhere, and the Quest Giver can withdraw the items he wants from the total loot at the end of quest period....


Run Infested Swamp, 500 times, under 5 days.. For 5m gold

If the Quest Runner doesn't complete the quest within a certain time, all the items looted will be lost, and another Quest Runner can start the quest, unless the request is canceled by the Quest Giver.

The quest runner won't be able to see the items looted...

This system can get pretty advanced too!

The Quest Giver can specify certain stats for the Quest Runners to qualify, for example a %luck or %gl

Also, instead of completing the map (kill mobs + boss), the quest can also be made for only killing the boss..

As of now, I suggest only item drops to be given to Quest Giver....


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