Quote Originally Posted by Mythocrisis View Post
Does not destroy the concept at all.An mmorpg has no one fixed concept.infact ,
It does the opposite ..it creates avenues for players to do something worthy of their time .

Plus these quests are given by players themselves so they might need something from the zone with a higher probability.

It dosent have to be perceived as lazy...u can give the job of running a dungeon to 3 people for gold and the quest giver himself can run the dungeons (it dosent say he can't).
So that's 4x the effort but he pays for the 3x for the chance ..
It's a good earning feature just like the op suggested .
Yes, but basically players will just log in to see the daily quests, see the reward, earn the reward and bye log off. It makes no sense anymore in grinding the goldloots or what event, what so ever, when you have an array of quests with bountiful rewards to choose from. And I don't see the benefits the quest giver can get here, its just give and thank you. These events/quests for charitable purpose already is existing through guilds, officers/master host events for the purpose of helping members financially and to the benefit of the guild. Well as I reiterate in my first comment, when implemented it will shift the game through logging in and loop of quests. My 5 cents..