if there can be two entries, here's my second. If not, void my first one XD

There are beginnings. Births. ..of a hero. This, this is the story of a girl who was reborn. She had friends, did well at school, and loved her life, but she wanted something. Something more than this. She wanted...Adventure. She longed for the excitement of being in the moment, the adrenaline rush of going where few have survived. She kept longing...until the fateful day of February. The day of her rebirth. She was now...Enikazie. Enikazie traveled down the cursed path, where she must choose. Either the easy life, the boring life of normal routine, no fears, no monsters, or the hard life of bitterness, hate, revenge, jealosy, and adventure. Of course, she picked the second choice. She was immediately in pain, as the world around her changed, lights, pulsing, glaring at her venomously. Then, darkness. She awoke in a dark forest, faced with her first task. Kill the enemy. Eni killed, with no regard and no thought of what crime she was committing. She was powered just by hunger..for fame and fortune. She was a loner, not many friends, but many enemies. Then, she met someone who would change the outlook of her life. He was zeusofire, but she called him flip. She learned to forgive, to enjoy, to even love. She was astounded at the new emotions she felt. They say that there was a hidden path, and when she met her first friend, she found it. The path of glory, love, and triumph. She met WoundedEagle, who showed her what love really meant. She met Whirlz, the mysterious pro mage, who taught her to be strong, but stay true. Powered by the love and happiness she felt, she achieved, far more than she could have if she was still by herself. Sometimes, she looks back to the day she made the choice. She doesn’t have a doubt that she picked the right one.