Quote Originally Posted by Ebalere View Post
#5 I have a real life as well and can not really afford to concentrate on two games, and while i was hitting cap in PL, I felt I had been neglecting SL.

#6 I've put alot of time and money into KoC, and consider it as a family, and even tho KoC will be in PL, not all the same people will be in it.
I'm not close to level capped in PL due to your #5 reason above so I'm not going back until I have time to cap all 3 toons in SL or they release guilds and I can do PL runs with KoC... The guild has made SL such a better experience than trying to find mostly random groups to play through levels with in PL. Come back to SL Eb, and eventually you can go back to PL when guild are out. There should be a good amount of overlap.