Hey guys, me and some fellow chatboxers were talking and we would like to suggest a new playable class for PL: the oyster!

This class wouldn't need a helm since it has a hard shell and we thought of a series of skills for it already:

Their weapons can be made of pearl, have a toxic bite for a debuff, spew mercury on enemies as a main attack, and have an oil spill skill that tars the enemy in place (a mage's firestorm can activate a combo). They could have a beckon-like skill where they open their shells to show off their shiny pearls which lures the greedy mobs to them.

And just for clarification, they wouldn't be armless and legless oysters jumping around...only their heads would be oysters, they would have arms and legs like regular bears, elves and mages.

The possibilities are endless. Please show your approval for this marvelous idea.