I thought it would be good to introduce myself to Ego and together we could help douse the flames between our guilds, as I've had it happen more than a few times, and so has he. He turned out to be a really cool guy, very mature, and is just having fun like the rest of us. I had a nice convo with him that ended with him giving me about 10-12 epic gears for me to give to my guildies. I was amazed at this act of generousity, as it is far too uncommon these days.

I just wanted to put it out there to the people that have been bashing him, that he is a great guy and me and him both know it's not easy keeping tabs on a massive guild, and that 3-4 bad apples dont ruin the whole bunch. I'd like to say as well that from this day forward, we (KoC), have no issues with Neon and would appreciate all our members showing his members respect, and hope that Neon does the same. It's a good feeling knowing two powerful guilds can get along and continue to grow together. I love meeting people that can hold an intelligent convo, and Ego is definately one of those people. Cheers to Neon Genesis and here's to a drama free time in space!