Quote Originally Posted by uratia View Post
Its not really heresay if multiple people are backing up that this type of behavior from this particular player is consistant and accurate with the original post, and occuring regularly. I found this topic on accident after the title of the thread had happened to me 5 minutes prior, and sure enough, it turned out to be the same player.

If STS is going to be iron gripped about my language and mute me for 5 minutes if I accidentally say something they deem "offensive", they should equally be iron gripped about this type of behavior. Yeah, I reported him - and also his alternate aliases (Mrbanana, and I'm also assuming anything else that ends with "banana"...) but it sure would be nice to know IF they can do something about it.

Aside from that, yeah, I suggest to everyone and anyone reading this: stay away from this player.
Btw mrbanana it's not me.. And was hatred by me too ^^.. And u should be 1 of the new pvp player which is kind of food to me u see?