Or more....

First to post all the correct answers gets to say they we're first to post the correct answers...

1. You are running in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

2. In the same race, if you overtake the last person, then you are in what position?

3. In what sport are the shoes made of metal?

4. How many hands does the clock of Big Ben have?

5. There are 23 Pocket Legends PvP teams playing in a first to 10 knockout competition. What is the least number of first to 10 matches they need to play to decide the winner?

6. A man went into a store to buy an item. He asked the assistant:
"How much does it cost for one?"
The assistant replied 2 pounds, Sir"
"And how much for 10?"
The assistant replied "£4"
"How much for 100?"
He got the reply "£6"
What was the man buying?

7. You have to choose between three rooms.
The first is full of raging fires
The second is full of tigers that haven’t eaten in 3 years.
The third is full of assassins with loaded machine guns.
Which room should you choose?

8. Some months have 31 days, but how many have 28 days?

9. If you have two coins totaling 55pence, and one of the coins is not a 5pence, what are the two coins?

10. A few teasers to finish with.
Eg 7 = D ot W = 7 Days of the Week

3 = B M (S H T R) =
18 = H oa GC =
21 = D oa D =
26 = BD =
88 = PK =
366 = D in a L Y =