Quote Originally Posted by Flip View Post
Allow me to shed some light here. The luck enhancer was not broken before but we decided to make it even better! Here's how the luck enhancer works, before and after the patch:

Old Luck Enhancer
Whenever you receive a drop the system rolls for what loot you will receive. With the old luck enhancer the system would roll for your drops twice, then give you the better of the two items. This happens behind the scenes. So it was possible to roll two white items and then receive the better of those two whites. This is how all luck increases have worked in STS games up to this point.

New Luck Enhancer
The new luck enhancer still rerolls your loot, but the rerolled item will always be one rarity better than the item you should have received. With this enhancer if you roll an orange the system will reroll and give you a random green item, assuming there is a green item that drops for your level in that map.

As you can see the old enhancer was not bugged, but we have reworked the enhancer to be significantly better. We did this because we love you! <3
So the million dollar question, if you get a purple from the MFer on your first roll, will you be guaranteed a pink?