Quote Originally Posted by plmafiaboss View Post
Taking away the ability to attack whoever whenever is WAY too limited and I'd never play an sts game if that happened. Rushers r just something u hVe to deal with. It makes pvp interesting. Standing around waiting for everyone to be ready would take away the excitement and pvp drama and a lot of people even those complaining now will get bored of pvp. Pvp was better before one vs one. It was just enter an arena and fight. It was a TEAM EFFORT TO WIN. And people weren't worried about their precious virtual stats
Not exactly, if all come in game 3v3 then its a FFA until that ten count, hows that limited, seems just more of a fair way, PvP stats don't bother me one bit, its way to easy yo die your not going to see a 0 death massive amount of kills PvP'r as its Player v Player.

The other vs are going to be added at a later date that's not exactly going to change. All the players rushing to get a high kill count may get the LBs wiped after beta anyway, this is to test out and find where it can be improved. Not this is the end product so lets leave it how it is, as all Dev have been saying Beta is to check for bugs and how these can be better and more fair than STS PvP ever has.

If you read the other threads Thade explains he put this together with some spare time he had, mostly a cut a paste, though tweaking area's he found classes would have a massive advantage.

Can we have some positive feedback/suggestions of what could improve the game for the better, rather than people wanting it to stay in Beta mode and never evolving.

Quote Originally Posted by roufus View Post
Awe someone likes my idea
Hehe, yup