I have absolutely no trouble with Ops. My lowly little level 31 Engineer can pwn a level 35 op with full BladeTech and BladeFins, when I'm wearing full Atomite and wielding that instrument of annihilation, the Incinerator (obviously with a HoloShield too). In stark contrast, even a level 30 Com can absolutely tear my poor little Zakalwe to shreds. My tactics for Op-pwning go thus:
1) Set up Force Shield to absorb a little damage. Every little helps!
2) Cast Pain and Decay instantly, cos Decay still reduces the target's armour.
3) Cast Leech after a few auto-attacks to replenish your health a bit.
4) Start to spam Empathy as often as you can. Also spam Revive to restore your mana.
5) Cast Wither. Wait for your skills to recharge.
6) Rinse and repeat, swapping the order of attack skills as you see fit.
This strategy works IMO. I hope you find it works for you!