I remember gettin my first smart phone 7 months ago an was so happy it was touch screen an could get apps! Then i went to the market an started searchin for rpgs an mmos! Then i came across PL and immediatly downloaded it! I was so happy to see how the gameplay was! I played all that night! And the rest was history! My gf use to hate me for playin it! Still does lol! I really wanted to play a rpgmmo because i missed out playin games like that in my child hood! I played graalonline when i was younger for a lil an was in love! But i had to stop! Then i found this! I remember startin off in FH! I remember i didnt know about stats an i was evening them out between int str and dex lol! Then i was try to get cool gear! An i saw all these cool outfits an i was like i want! I thought i would nvr get there! I was such a little cub ! My bear has grown so much ! I love it! I feel welcomed in PL ! I love my friends an guildies! Its a second home!

Anyone else wanna share on there findings of PL or there beginning experiences?