Quote Originally Posted by Roberto077 View Post
It's only greifing/harassment to SOME people when they are booted for NO GOOD REASON. Telling someone the truth is better than acting like a child and typing some stupid phrase that could possibly harm others.

What he failed to understand is that there is a difference between 'cough cough oops' and 'sorry, the game is full' one is childish and rude while the other is polite and acceptable. It's by definition that being rude can insult or hurt others, and forcing someone out of a possible good time (without an honest reason) is rude; therefore, in some circumstances, booting can, not always, be a part of trollish behavior.

To answer you're last question, it's only harassment/greifing if directed towards a person/people to ruin or worsen the gameplay experience of another person.

Sure, let's go with that.
I agree with you. Feels like Rated. M isnt M enough.