Quote Originally Posted by Hectororius View Post
Assault is nice for warrior, but usually we prefer the ___ of Will that has STR/INT. Cant deal much damage if i dont have mana. The armor Value already matches the armor for mythics. Looks great though!
Is that specific armor exactly the same as the upgraded mythics? I don't know exact mythic warrior numbers off the top of my head.
The mage set is slightly lower than upgraded mythics.
The rogue set is slightly higher than upgraded mythics.

These aren't ___ of will/security/fitness/defense items. Those versions of these will have higher defense.

Reading this announcement carefully, these are versions of the elite armors that we can find from the elite bosses. However, these specific ones are able to be had through dragon teeth.
So, as some people are disappointed about the warrior only having an ___ of assault set, the mage and rogue will likely have a set, too, but we'll have to farm those through the bosses.

Yes, mythic sets are better overall for mages than that set. However, a magma set of assault...that could get interesting (though it will likely be lacking critical).

And there is a looming question that remains: how good are the newly announced Dragon Armor sets going to be? o.O Will they be better than even the Magma sets, or not as good? And how are they obtained?