Quote Originally Posted by Candylicks View Post
Here it is STS. I am 'Pick up and Play' player. I have a job, I don't have the time to spend hours and hours grinding on this game. I represent a large majority of the plat buyers. We were already disappointed to see the new red pet go to the LB people only. We can't achieve this, being working professionals.

So, we have been looking forward to spending our plat on the new crafted event crates. We already plat our way to get the recipe, and will plat out our crates. No problem!!!

You made those essences redic. There is NO WAY we will be able to grind for them and craft our locked into the event crates. We just tested out some maps and those essences are very few and far.

I am asking you to please make these essences used to craft the crates purchasable with plat at the vendor. You will lose many players over this if we don't see a solution.

Thank you for listening and I hope you take this into consideration. We are grateful for all you do for the community.
So here is what you do: buy the event crates from someone else who crafted them and who had the time to farm for these rare essences. If you have tons of non-event crates you were planning to craft, then sell them to someone else who is able to craft them.

As a big plat spender, I'm sure you can afford it.

There should be some things in this game that cannot be purchased for plat and instead must be worked for, and they should not be limited to useless vanity banners.