Quote Originally Posted by Remiem View Post
Hey guys. I'd love to hear your suggestions on this. What kind of buffs would you add to mages in PvP to help them along a bit? Let's keep the discussion constructive and productive and It'll give me something concrete to pass along to the devs. Just a simple "Buff mages" is a little vague to act on. What do those little blue guys need to give them a fighting chance?
Everyone's suggestions affect balance at both twink level and endgame level. Since this thread is supposed to be "buff mages at twink", I'll give my part of the feedback. First of all, mages overall are ridiculously underpowered. Instead of buffing skills, I think mage gear/equipment should get a slight buff at levels ~16 and under (the higher the level, the more powerful mages get). Give Ancient Druid gear slight armor bonus, slight damage bonus, and if possible, a little crit wouldn't hurt. Lightning is supposed to be mage's #1 offensive skill, but it is impossible at twink. Mages here have ~1-2% crit and that is pathetic. The only way mages have the opportunity to achieve more crit is to use a certain pet, but that pet also has negative points in a mage's game if you understand what I'm saying. There's too much to lose than to gain in this sense. The only reason mages exist is curse (only usable in clashes). Like endgame, mages should have the chance to compete against other classes. I don't play mage at twink levels because I see they are underpowered, and have observed. I'm sure this won't be on your top priority list, but just food for thought. Thank you for replying Remiem.

Take a chill pill. Shinytoy knows what he is doing and he is knowledgeable.