Quote Originally Posted by rangepwnsmeel View Post
Fluff, who said I was the one being rude... Most people that know me in game generally know that I'm not rude like that, however we did have someone from a previous run wanting to join which is why we asked for the said person to leave... The only time I mind leeching is when you do NOTHING which is what most of the players that join the games do, or if it is truly full and we ask them to leave yet they won't. I know from experience that being rude doesn't get you anywhere... Fluff, I think of you as a friend and all but don't attempt to belittle me when you were not in the situation, and don't realize the full reality of the situation.
truth to be said i was not leeching, i was indeed looking for a group of some other 30s... actually it was the first time i went in that area so i figured i would just try and see what was ahead... i am in fact new to the game but i have lots of MMORPG experience and even if i have very high lvl players i would never treat people like that, especially when they are in their rightful area playing..
actually i didn't even looked for the join world thing expecting lvl 50s.. i literally walked to the great and climbed down... i was going to leave when asked just because i saw no point on staying and i figured that they were waiting for the other guy to join but after calling names i decided to stay just for the fun of it... after they killed the boss (even i did help since i am no leech) i left and didnt get back in just because i dont like to be a Moro*n...
so guys next time... take it easy on the ones playing in there... learn to be polite and if you think you are the best just because you are lvl 50... dude grow up in real life, then talk to me again...
ps: I am omewiz... just in case u see me again around...