Quote Originally Posted by Ravager View Post
So mages would be ok if the following change was made:

Remove 100% chance to proc on charge attack.
Make charge speed of Bulwark faster (similar to glaive, currently it is the speed of maul for charge).
Make proc chance similar to every other weapon (estimates, 20% on charge attack, 10% on normal taps)

I want this weapon to remain better than glaive/maul. If it becomes nerfed to the point where its the same as an old glaive or an old maul, whats the point of having the latest and greatest. Compromise so that we can all still play?

I'm glad sts finally made every mythic weapon viable in both pvp and pve finally. Other classes in the past have already had this luxury.
This, plus reducing the duration of the curse from about 5s to 2-3s. Fair, right?