Lol most twinks with expensive arcanes and vanitys are endgamers or have been around since season 1-2 so they got rich early the others got lucky out of crates cuz thats all we have to look forward to ooo wait we can farm gems worth 3k-8k or crates worth 6k-12k and like i said yous complain about how much it cost to endgame well yous made it that way your the ones listing mythics for 20mil plus 100mil for arcane rings thats not twinks doing that yous made it that way so blame yourselves 75% percent of twinks struggle to even afford the best gear cuz theres no way to make gold we dont ask for much really ever and dont get anything we do ask for ive seen at least 30 comments about a half decent looking weapon with some cool effects for twinks but if yous complain about something it seems to get taken care of