And here is my first post ever on the STS forums.

Quote Originally Posted by MoarPewPew View Post
Hi first of all I want to say this is a fantastic game. But there Is always room for improvements. My idea was to create Two crafting skills such as Alchemy and Blacksmithing. First of all since all levels are dungeon based, some Very uncommon ore desposits must be placed in the dungeon randomly. Each spawning in different locations in the dungeon. With a mining pick that you purchase from a vendor you must tap the auto attack button as fast as you can. More swings you get at the ore deposit the more ore you get within a five second duration. Inside your invetory you ore will be placed. The Ore is used for crafting materials such as weapons and armor. In order to craft a item you must aquire recsipes from various enemys. To use them click on them and it will say you have learned "Battle axe"

This leads me to the crafting menu. The crafting menu tells you what materials you have and if you have the propper amount of skill level inorder to craft that material.

For every successful time you craft a weapon/armor you get a skill point that allows you to craft more advanced weapons.


Same exact concept as Blacksmith but you make potions. There are different potions that are found in random dungeons . These potions are used to enhance your character. The higher the skill of you crafting skill the better the potion you can receive.

Thank you for reading my post and I hope this gets implemented ingame