Firstly, the devs listen to everyone. They are constantly on forums, reading what we have to say. They check e-mails and facebook for feedback. They are always listening to us.

Nextly, like any game you start out poor. You need to work your way up to making money and finding good items. The rich started out poor and are rich now because of hard, dedicated farming and personal tactics. Pinks drop randomly, there is no way to plan when or what pink you will get. If selling in the consignment shoppe, the owner of the item gets to pick their own price, not the buyer or the devs. Don't buy an item if it's overpriced or you can't afford it.

No, the best items in the game don't fall from the sky or appear overnight. You must attempt to earn them by completing levels and fighting bosses. Besides Shadow Cave pinks, most level 50 pinks are going down in price with the new campgain. You may find these prices more realistic, while the items themselves still do the job for what you are doing.

Nothing to do? As said by Doubletime, the devs are working hard to find things to do. Hence, crafting. Some people like to chill in town, farm levels, or stand around doing nothing by the consignment shoppe.Do quests, do whatever you want. If your friends leave then that's their choice, but there are things to do.