Hello guys. It's me Shiv, and I'd like to first state that my account has been hacked somehow due to a virus on my computer. The virus holder somehow used this virus to trace my files and find my Pocket Legend information. With the most of efforts, I've been trying to retrieve my account back, but I'm afraid I'll be having to start from scratch with a new fresh account. Rangebear has been a huge contribution to my comeback, donating me items and gold. I hope that I can comeback, and I'd like to move forward this thread with thanking all my friends that helped me progress through PL. Some people I'd like to shout out to is Fight, Jun, Ryan, Verti, Micah, Burning, and Nae. Of course, this isn't everyone, and I'd hope that nobody is offended seeing not their name on this list, because in general, the community has been a nice place to grow amongst. I really appreciate the community, from the deepest depths of my heart.

To wrap this thread, I would like to ask tips and guidelines for what it seems to be, 22-23 talon mage, or if I can get enough help with gear and gold, hopefully forgotten bow/paw. Yours truly, Shiv.