Well i had thanked sts on fantasma at high lvl but now that they nerfed him i take it back. Realy sts i get sick of your buffs/nerfs do you guys not test things? Its rly not cool to keep changing things u made 2 changes 2 this pet in 1 week come on
Well i had thanked sts on fantasma at high lvl but now that they nerfed him i take it back. Realy sts i get sick of your buffs/nerfs do you guys not test things? Its rly not cool to keep changing things u made 2 changes 2 this pet in 1 week come on
I see a Nerf coming in the cuteness of the squirrels.
#Buff The Squirrels.
The real trollers STS!
I suggest you Nerf fantasma even more..
Agreed fantasma was awesome ill understand if u nerf him in pvp but in normal play? Come on he was a poor mans pet his besfriend but now fanta is damn crap.
Calm down, jeez you're being rude.
If you want a good pet, save up for an arcane pet instead of crying over the horse.
Hey guys. We know pet changes are a bummer, especially ones that are broken-ly good, but at some levels this pet was passively healing through even the strongest boss attacks. Definitely not as intended. We are totally open to your feedback and always take it into consideration, but we couldn't leave broken stats on this guy. It wouldn't have been any fun in the long run.
I understand what you're saying rem its just i was very exsited to have a new farming pet. I do suggest you take a look at the aa then b4 the passive made u9 for the weakness of it but now that its fixed you should amp up the shield its extreamly weak even compaired to scorch ty
Well we now have a legendary scorch. By the way, fantasma was NOT healing through the strongest boss attacks. It didnt heal through 1hit non-redzone kills. So Im seeing that as just an excuse to nerf it before someone jumps to protect the prices of arcanes.
Exactly!! rogues needs the awesome passive ability mana regen of fantasma, coz in reality rogues are the only who dont have a mana regen skill upgrade of wars and mages who has em, its ok to nerf the hp regen but not mana regen good move is to nerf hp regen only but mana regen remains in maps, pvp side nerf fantasma completely coz for sure it will be abused and pvping wont be fun anymore looking at pvps current state now >_< please reconsider this sts..
Make potions cheaper pls.:-)
Exactly shil couldn't have said it better
Now Fantasma is just like dova. Great stats but bad aa.
As far as mana regen get a jack pet and you will never need mana pots again. My warriors use Jack with hor and I can keep the team healed with health and mana. Both have exact same cooldown and range so they work well together.
I was with a rogue the other day that didn't have any mana pots and was begging for it on the map. Would have been better off with a stat loss using Jack and having mana to use skills instead of spamming dps shots only.